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AIIA Institute
Nov 1, 2004
Son of God? Son of Man?
by Daryl E. Witmer
Christians celebrate Christmas as the birthday of Jesus Christ - born into the home of Joseph & Mary, yet God...
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AIIA Institute
Oct 1, 2004
Evidence for Intelligent Design
compiled by Daryl E. Witmer
The Neo-Darwinian version of evolutionary theory has fallen on increasingly hard times. In its place...
AIIA Institute
Sep 1, 2004
A Word to Wiccans
by Daryl E. Witmer
What follows here is a brief summary of Wiccan belief. In some cases we have followed a particular point with...
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AIIA Institute
Aug 1, 2004
Solving Nine Alleged Bible Problems
by Daryl E. Witmer
Following are nine brief starter answers to nine (so-called) Bible problems submitted to our office in 2003 by a...
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AIIA Institute
Jul 1, 2004
Unmasking Mormonism
by Daryl E. Witmer
In spite of the fact that Mormons are among the most polite, pleasant, moral, family-oriented, ostensibly...
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AIIA Institute
Jun 1, 2004
Why Are There Only 66 Books in the Bible?
by Dr. Thomas Woodward
Tom Woodward, Ph.D., has been a professor at Trinity College (Florida) since 1988. He is founder and director...
AIIA Institute
May 1, 2004
What About Science & Health?
by Daryl E. Witmer
You've probably been on the receiving end of the relatively recent, yet enthusiastic, advertising blitz sponsored...
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AIIA Institute
Apr 1, 2004
Apologetic Resources for Kids
by Daryl E. Witmer
Christian apologetics isn't just for theologians, educators, or adults. What follows here is a compilation of...
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AIIA Institute
Mar 1, 2004
Why Do So Many Scientists Endorse Evolution?
compiled by Daryl E. Witmer
The obvious reason that so many scien-tists endorse the theory of macroevolu-tionary process as the best...
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AIIA Institute
Feb 1, 2004
Does God Really Mean What He Says in Psalm 91?
Volume 14 • No. 5 • February, 2004
AIIA Institute
Jan 1, 2004
Prophetic Evidence that the Bible is God's Word
Volume 14 • No. 5 • January, 2004

Proclamation Index: 2004
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