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Proclamation Index

On Applied Kinesiology

Writer's picture: AIIA InstituteAIIA Institute

Early this year I received correspondence from a good friend in North Carolina. About one month earlier it seems that he had received a letter from an individual suggesting that he try an Applied Kinesiology (AK) experiment. My friend decided to forward the letter here, along with an accompanying paper distributed by Computer Central Clearinghouse of Phoenix AZ, suggesting that I might research the matter for a Proclamation article. The results of that study follow. WHAT IS APPLIED KINESIOLOGY? The Siskiyou Essence Company defines AK as "the art and science of testing the relative ability of muscles to hold their associated bones in place." Another current Internet source defines AK as a 'muscle testing' chiropractic diagnostic technique that is evolved from Chinese medical theory -- specifically acupuncture meridian flows. The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary says that AK is: "a form of chiropractic examination wherein the doctor locates a malfunctioning nerve by testing and using the patient's own hand to add or subtract energy to nerve centers....[including] evaluation of nerve, vascular, and lymphatic systems, nutrition, acupuncture, cerebral spinal fluid function." HOW DOES AK WORK? One type of AK session involves a subject holding his arm(s) out parallel to the floor as an AK practitioner pulls the arm(s) down, checking muscle resistance while the subject holds certain foods in the other  hand, between the lips, or under the tongue. The Computer Central paper (referred to above) describes another type of AK experiment during which the subject silently ponders a question that can be answered by a simple 'yes' or 'no', while simultaneously looking for an involuntary sensation to manifest itself in either the middle or index finger. The manifestation can be "a tickle, a twinge, a twitch, a numbness,  a pulling, a pulsating or even a change in temperature...Many are actually able to hear an inner voice." WHAT'S THE REAL FORCE BEHIND AK? The CCC paper asks, "What makes the experiment work? The answer is beyond science fiction! The 'unused' area of the brain, unexplained until now, contains the most miraculous, incredible, audio/video transmitter/receiver that is connected telepathically to the intelligence that created the universe. To put it in 20th century terms, each of us is a mobile computer terminal with a wireless connection to computer central -- a gigantic mainframe computer ('somewhere out there') that is monitoring all of us on a second-to-second basis. In turn, we can access it instantaneously on an ongoing basis for information, advice & direction in our daily lives! Computer Central is transmitting messages to us all day long and in our dreams at night. Unfortunately, most of us pay no attention to the messages." The paper says that the source of this intuition can be addressed silently, "using whatever name or term you feel comfortable with. Some examples are . . . conscience, gut feeling . . . spirit guide, higher self or God." HOW APPLIED KINESIOLOGY DIFFERS FROM THE SCIENCE OF KINESIOLOGY In an article entitled "Testing Muscle Testing: Applied Kinesiology," James Walker of the widely-respected Watchman Fellowship in Birmingham AL points out that "the practice of applied kinesiology has nothing to do with the science of Kinesiology, which is the legitimate study of muscular movement and tension as it relates to joints, tendons, and skeletal structure." AK PAST AND PRESENT The father of AK is George Goodheart, a Michigan chiropractor who first developed the concept in the 1950s. He combined elements of psychic philosophy, Chinese Taoism, and early chiropractic theory. Good-heart is reported to have developed at least some of his ideas by using psychic powers. Walker cautions that today Applied Kinesiologists have "branched out into other areas with some claiming the ability to read personality disorders, emotional problems, and information related to past lives." A growing number of related practices today include Behavioral Kinesiology, Touch for Health, Specialized Kinesiology, Taoist Healing Imagery, and Kundalini. A CONCLUSION AND A WARNING Until AK practice gains the approval of reputable scientific and medical authorities, and so long as there persists the unmistakable link with anti-Christian, even occultish-type religious worldviews, we strongly warn against participation in AK activity of any form. FURTHER RECOMMENDED REFERENCE Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, John Ankerberg & John Weldon, ©1996 Harvest House Publishers -- 670 pages

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